科技知识动态:CodeGear 出品 Delphi for PHP

导读 跟大家讲解下有关CodeGear 出品 Delphi for PHP,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该也很关注吧,现在就为小伙伴们说说CodeGear 出品 Delphi

跟大家讲解下有关CodeGear 出品 Delphi for PHP,相信小伙伴们对这个话题应该也很关注吧,现在就为小伙伴们说说CodeGear 出品 Delphi for PHP,小编也收集到了有关CodeGear 出品 Delphi for PHP的相关资料,希望大家看到了会喜欢。

CodeGear即将发行 Delphi for PHP 用于快速Web开发。Delphi for PHP 提供可视化快速开发环境和组件。组件就是指开源的 VCL for PHP,包括Qooxdoo, Adodb, DynAPI, Smarty, XAjax and JSCalendar,并且支持第三方组件开发。预计三月上市,北美售价$249,另外还提供针对教研的优惠价$99。

Delphi for PHP 关键特性包括:

RAD environment for PHP VCL for PHP ? Open source PHP 5 visual component library with more than 50 extendable and reusable components with seamless AJAX integration Out-of-the-box database integration with InterBase, MySQL, Oracle®, Microsoft SQL Server, and other popular databases Integrated PHP debugger Deployment of PHP applications on Windows, Linux, Solaris and other platforms Internationalization support for applications Drag and drop database application development using the Data Explorer for InterBase and MySQL Code editor with Code Insight, Code Explorer, and Code Templates, making it easier and faster to write PHP code


