
导读 您好,能点进来这篇文章的网友们可能都想知道devil什么意思,devil双语例句方法,下面大家来一起看看吧。解答:1 Tim wondered how



1 . Tim wondered how the devil they had managed it.


2 . She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil .


3 ."I think he was a bit of a devil,"Constance said.


4 . Every one for himself and the devil take the hindmost.


5 . Right now the poor old devil 's drinking himself silly.


be a devil!

1 . (非正式)干吧(用于鼓励某人去做其正在迟疑不决是否要做的事情)

devil a —

2 . (古)连一个也没有

the devil can quote scripture for his purpose

3 . (谚)人们可以用冠冕堂皇的话来掩饰不良动机

the devil finds work for idle hands to do

4 . (谚)闲着无聊的人可能会有(或惹)麻烦

the devil looks after his own

5 . (谚)成功(或好运)往往会光顾最不应得到它的人


6 . 兴高采烈而又毫无顾虑的

a devil of a —

7 . (非正式)极大的;程度极深的

the devil's dozen

8 . 十三

the devil's in the detail

9 . 细节之处最容易出问题

the devil's own —

10 . (非正式)很困难的;很严重的;非同小可的

every man for himself and the devil take the hindm1. he was in the devil's own hurry.他极其匆忙。go to the devil!

11 . 滚开!见鬼去吧!

like the devil

12 . 飞快地;拼命地;全力地

speak (或 talk) of the devil

13 . 刚提到某人,某人就出现了;说到曹操,曹操就到

between the devil and the deep blue sea

1 . 进退两难:处于两个都不能接受的选择之间

give the devil his due

2 . 公平对待坏人:对难相处的或充满邪恶暴力的人给予信任

go to the devil

3 . 不成功;失败

play the devil with

4 . 弄糟…:倾覆或毁灭

the devil take the hindmost

5 . 落后者遭殃:让每个人追求自身的利益,不理会别人如何过话

the devil to pay

6 . 极大的麻烦:由于某种行为的结果而要面对的麻烦

